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heal trauma & Break through blocks

with 21st century

shamanic energy healing,

somato-emotional TRauma Release

& Soul-spirituality

Live with joy & peace by combining the integrated, multidimensional wisdom of
your physical & energy body,
your mind, heart & emotions, your soul & spirit.

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Rachel Mann PhD is a shamanic energy healer, spiritual teacher, mentor and coach. As a renowned energy medicine specialist trained in ancient and contemporary Native American, psychodramatic and transpersonal approaches to healing personal, ancestral and global trauma, Rachel helps people break free from repetitive cycles of inner and outer pain, including blocks to manifesting soul-fulfilling work, financial prosperity, health & vitality, creative projects and loving relationships.

Rachel is the creator of Shamanic Somatic-Emotional-Energy Transformation (SEET), an innovative trauma-informed method integrating the knowledge and tools of her Buddhist, Native American, shamanic and psychodrama teachers. With an MA in Soviet Studies and a PhD in Russian, she brings to this transformational work 35 years of interdisciplinary research and teaching in the field of violence and peace studies into how to transmute personal and global effects of traumatic events and processes that address healing on every level and dimension of our human experience: the physical-energy body, mind-emotions, soul-spirit. 

Meet Dr. Mann

Why treat trauma with 21st Century Shamanic Energy Healing?

Shamanic energy healing has the capacity to heal trauma and break through those stubborn blocks to living the life you want. 

Shamanism is often associated with the ancient and contemporary spirituality and healing practices of indigenous peoples. In fact, some of Rachel's teachers are the Q'ero medicine people whose mystical cosmology dates back to the Inka and before.  
But just as therapeutic and energy healing techniques from every culture have evolved to meet the needs of the present, so has shamanism. Shamanic Somatic-Emotional Energy Transformation is a modality that meets our personal and global challenges in these chaotic times. Shamanic tools address the energetic level, somatic-emotional tools address stored trauma in the body. Add to this the ability of the shaman to call forth powerful, cosmic pathways of transformation at the level of your soul, from Mother Earth, other spirit helpers and beyond. This multidimensional approach is profoundly impactful. 

Shamanic energy healing & spirituality are also rapidly becoming mainstream. The tools of soul retrieval, wound & entity extraction, clearing & balancing of the chakras & energy body are being sought out more & more as an adjunct to or following work with licensed, clinical therapists
Join the thousands of students and clients who have worked with Rachel to manifest the fulfilled, joyful and energetic life & service you have been dreaming of.  

Sign up for this important
on-demand course:

Crystalline Shamanic Ceremonies for
Protection, Healing & Peace

Learn how to create protection from the  chaotic heavy energies around you & in the world with 3 powerful crystalline shamanic practices in this on-demand course. Shamanic ceremony is a potent way to shift the hard processes we are personally experiencing & what we pick up from others & the world.
Understand the dance between heavy & light energies. Work constructively with them to create greater lightness of being. 

Only $95 until June 1!
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Dr. Mann's Offerings
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Let Rachel help you harness your highest destiny with spiritual coaching, powerful energy healing, somatic-energy trauma transformation and the wisdom teachings & practices of
Awakened Heart Shamanism


Isn't it time for you to fly above 
the mountain? 

Destiny is not fate. 

Fate implies that you are caught in old cycles & patterns in thoughts, feelings & experiences that are a result of past conditioning & unhealed wounds. 

When you decide to harness the power of destiny, you are becoming the master of your own life & free yourself to create a momentum to change.

You manifest your true mission & purpose. 

"There are so many ways I have changed, as a result of working with Rachel. If I were to sum it up, I would say that she has awakened my spirituality in a way that has deepened profoundly my connection with living in spirit.  Rachel walks her talk.  She gave me examples of things going on in her life as parables so you learned how to apply them to your life. She is a great teacher."

- Laura Joy

I did not know Rachel. I was lost in my loss. The healing ways of a Shaman as foreign to me. Except for excerpts on TV. I came into her home. A welcoming room. We spoke about several issues. Then we began with an energy reading. I was led through a very relaxing hour of chanting, singing, praying & rattling and drumming. Then we spoke about what she saw in her journey. Her insight was remarkable. I trusted Rachel. I thanked her and left. The next few days were the same and different! My spirit felt better and lighter. I am recommending Dr. Rachel Mann PHD! You've tried the try the best person. who has your best interests at the center of her motivation and intentions.

- Julie

Rachel has helped me bring power to my own medicine. She gave me a deeper understanding of the power of the Medicine Wheel.  As a result of my work with her in the 1-1 Mentoring Program, I stepped with confidence into my role as a shamanic healer and teacher. "

- Salem Wolf Heart, author of Benty Moon: Racing with the Medicine Wheel

Mountain landscape with hiking trail and view of beautiful lakes Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel

Live consciously & purposefully.
There is a tried & true pathway
to reaching your highest destiny

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Do you want to stay in touch to learn about personal, ancestral and planetary healing, Awakened Heart Shamanism & peacemaking in these tumultuous times? Please subscribe!

Thank you for joining us! 

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