How Detouring can Change Your (mid)Life

Do you ever find yourself thinking…

I want to design the next chapter of my life on my terms. But I'm worried that it's too late to start.


I need to make a change, but I’m not sure what I want…or what’s even possible for me.


I’m tired of just going through the day-to-day motions. I want to jump out of bed feeling energized and excited for my day!

I call this the midlife crossroads.

And you bet I'm here too.

The truth is: It's never too late to pursue a dream - and getting there is easier than you think.

I believe the truth lies in the Detours.

In midlife, we get so bogged down. We start taking things SO seriously. And currently for me, the whole dating thing?! Don't even get me started on that.

Oh, and let's not forget about our ever-shifting bodies. Boy, do I have so much respect for what the body does. But some days, I'm just in shock and disbelief at the physical responses that happen because of these freakin' hormones.

When I've found myself struggling in a transition, a Detour of some sort helps me to gain a fresh perspective and find ways to move through my current state with greater ease and grace.

Detouring is an amazing way to shift perspective. And it can feel easier to try this in a supported and empowering environment with other like-minded women. While the struggle may be real, and you may feel stuck, you don't need to go it alone.

Transitions are a fact of life, especially for women. But I swear I see something catalyze for the women who Detour with me. It happens so profoundly. Whether around the campfire, on a hike, or privately being scrawled into a journal.

And I know this to be true:

It all begins when you get out of your day-to-day and do something to shift your perspective.

So how do you gracefully start a new chapter? In midlife?

People dancing to music in Italy

I say, take a Detour. Of any sort. A DIY Detour, a road trip, a staycation, join a retreat. All. Great. Options.


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